We're here to get you out of pain
Pat Karns - MA, ATC
Executive Director
Pat is an award winning, internationally known author and lecturer in the area of sports medicine trends. He has worked extensively with Olympic and Professional athletes for over 30 years, including time as the Head Athletic Trainer for the Colorado Avalanche Hockey Team during their two Stanley Cup wins; the Minnesota NBA; and Olympic sports, including soccer, luge, tennis and ice hockey.
He was appointed to the 2002 USA Winter Olympic Medal staff and has also been an active political advocate for Athletic trainers in both his home state of Minnesota and Colorado, spearheading the successful passing of Senate Bill 09-026. He currently sits on a commision providing peer-to-peer support for Athletic Trainers nationwide.
A former instructor at the university level, Pat’s work has been published in numerous countries. He is the only Athletic Trainer to receive the prestigious Chopper Travaligni Community Service award, sponsored by Kroenke Sports Enterprises, recognizing his achievements in charity involvement.
Pat is a graduate of St. Cloud State University and holds a graduate degree from the University of Northern Colorado. He resides in Denver, Colorado.